Mental wellbeing for                 


Impactful habits for individuals. Transformative solutions for organizations.

Watch your performance soar when everyone can be their         self.


For Organizations

We believe

Growth is inevitable when people are happy

Work is fulfilling with purpose at its core

In a culture where mental wellness is a performance driver

Open dialogue and awareness remove stigma around mental wellbeing

Everyone needs an environment that promotes mental wellbeing

Being happy should be


For Individuals

I want to

Spend time doing what brings joy

Have meaningful relationships

Live my purpose

Feel in control of what life throws at me

Grow towards a better me... everyday

Let the                 do the talking


of workers say it is important to them to work for an organization that values their emotional and psychological well-being.

Source: APA’s 2023 Work in America Survey

of people say the company's mental health culture and benefits will shape their decision of working there when applying for work.

Source: APA's 2022 Work and Well-being Survey results




of workplaces have increased their focus on employee mental health since the pandemic.

Source: CIPD health and wellbeing at work survey

of adults ages 35 to 44 reported a mental illness in 2023

Source: American Psychological Association, Stress in America



of benefits leaders believe it's an employer's responsibility to prevent employees from developing work-related mental health problems

Source: 2023 State of Workforce Mental health report - Lyra

rated a healthy and sustainable culture of work as more helpful for mental health than therapy and self care resources

Source: Mind Share Partners' 2023 Mental Health at Work Report



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