Illuminate                  within


The pandemic brought mental health issues to the forefront in a way not seen before or after. Q Studio’s founders, Sree and Krish, made it their life’s mission to change the way mental wellbeing is viewed in all facets of society. Starting by just jotting down ideas on the back of a napkin, we have spent the last three years developing Q Studio with two key principles in mind. Making mental wellbeing accessible and having real impact. It is our firm belief that to learn and apply positive habits, one has to be in environments that foster mental wellbeing. We aim to bring this to you. 

How it started

The way we see it, our success is in your 



Taking our vision into            


Happiness should be the norm. For everyone.

Build mental skills

Invest in yourself

Become your best self



A collective of highly skilled leaders from a variety of fields coming together to solve one of the biggest problems facing the world. 

Sree Mitra

Founder & CEO

Sree has worked with the world's largest consulting firms for 25 years, advising a range of global companies on strategic, business, and financial imperatives. She has been a mental wellbeing advocate for many years at her workplace. Sree is bringing together her extensive business background with her passion, and help organizations and individuals make mental wellbeing the #1 priority.

Krish Krithivasan

Co-Founder & CTO

Krish is passionate about building innovative solutions that drive real change in the world. From improving the lives of farmers in rural India to building solutions for some of the largest corporations, Krish has worked as a technologist and as a strategic advisor. Krish is a lifelong student seeking to learn and build the next game changing technology.

Dr. Steven Hickman

Program & Concept Lead Advisor

Dr. Hickman, a renowned Clinical Psychologist and expert in mindfulness and self-compassion, founded UC San Diego's Center for Mindfulness, led the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion, and authored "Self-Compassion for Dummies," now retired and residing in Newport, Oregon.

Amy Noelle

Senior Director, Program/Experience

Amy Noelle, a mindfulness and self-compassion coach, develops mental performance programs for corporations and educational institutions, focusing on optimal performance and wellbeing, and is dedicated to learning and sharing knowledge in mental health and neuroscience.

Watch your performance soar when everyone can be their         self.


For Organizations

We believe

Growth is inevitable when people are happy

Work is fulfilling with purpose at its core

In a culture where mental wellness is a performance driver

Open dialogue and awareness remove stigma around mental wellbeing

Everyone needs an environment that promotes mental wellbeing

Being happy should be


For Individuals

I want to

Spend time doing what brings joy

Have meaningful relationships

Live my purpose

Feel in control of what life throws at me

Grow towards a better me... everyday